Self-government, that is, a people exercising all the necessary functions of power without interference by a higher authority that they can't control themselves, is a core American value. 自治是美国核心价值。它是指一个人能够运用所有权力所必要的职能而不受无法自控的、更高权力的干扰。
The company had just one product, profits were sagging and employees, who often brought their dogs and cats to the office, weren't used to answering to a higher authority. 当时该公司只有一个产品,而且利润下滑,公司员工甚至经常把自己的宠物带到办公室,不服从管理。
But the very fact that this world is so challenging is exactly why you sometimes must reach out of its jurisdiction for help, appealing to a higher authority in order to find your comfort. 但正是因为世界如此复杂,才偶尔需要跳出它的管辖寻求协助,吁请高层权威助你找到安慰。
The latter shall promptly take measures and report the case to the higher authority according to the relevant state provisions. 动物防疫监督机构应当迅速采取措施,并按照国家有关规定上报。
Some men who speak with authority at work know enough to bow to a higher authority at home. 那些工作中带着权威说话的人,也知道如何在家屈从于更高的权威。
The higher authority doesn't authorize it for technicians. 高级长官不准许技术人员这么干。
Has crisis negotiation's lead claimed to be the higher authority? 重案谈判小组的头算更高级长官吗?
Relying on that is there be my bookrack in the east wall, a book is filled with higher authority, is that I watch be apt most. 靠着东墙放着我的书架,上面摆满了图书,都是我最爱看的。
Establishes essential recording, to use, to loan, reimburses with the compensation system, the account is clear, material objects and the account match case and so on instrument, equipment, drugs, and requests according to the higher authority to have the classification No. 建立必要的入帐、利用、出借、报销和赔偿制度,帐目清楚,仪器、设备、药品等实物与帐目相符,并按上级要求有分类编号。
They continually prepare themselves for positions of higher authority and responsibility in the future. 他们为了自己能胜任将来更高权利与责任的职位,不断的学习积累,不断准备。
Tell him you need to get back to the higher authority. 告诉他你要回去和长官报告。
One who is unlikely to be called to account by a higher authority. That's the issue that tops Kilbane's list of concerns. 不被列入考虑的人不大可能被要求向更高一级权力负责的人这个问题被肯贝列为首要考虑的问题。
Not liable to be called to account by a higher authority. 无需对更高一级权力负责的。
In short, that conviction that he was carrying out some secret mission that responded to a higher authority. 简而言之,就是他深信自己是在从事某项只向高层管理人员汇报的秘密任务。
If I'm the higher authority, I don't go to him. 如果我是高级长官,我不会去找他。
If your guy is doing CPR instructed by a doctor then he is a higher authority than me. 如果你们身边有个医生的话,他应该比我权威。
Well, he wants to speak to the higher authority. 好吧,他要和高级长官说话。
Fear of a bullying boss, or fear of someone in higher authority who can wreck your career, is a common reason for people refusing to speak out. 害怕欺负人的老板,害怕会破坏你的事业的上司,这些是人们拒绝曝光的普遍原因。
The inspecting delegation is sent by the higher authority. 检查团是上级派来的。
Has jurisdiction over or assigns the jurisdiction by the common higher authority people's government administration of public health department. 由共同上级人民政府卫生行政部门管辖或者指定管辖。
Abrogation or annulment by a higher authority. 取消被一个更高的权威取消或废除。
Not beyond wanting to talk to a higher authority. 只有想和高级长官谈。
The military supplies work's efficiency highlights more and more, appropriates the funds with the higher authority to be more important. 军需工作的经济性越来越凸显,用好上级拨付的经费更加重要。
When the negotiation fails, the disputes shall be resolved by their common higher authority; where no common higher authority exists, the disputes shall be resolved by their respective higher authorities through negotiation. 协商不成的,由其共同上级机关决定;没有共同上级机关的,由其各自的上级机关协商解决。
Rewrite it in full and submit your draft to higher authority before filing. 全部重写,并在存档前将草稿送交上级审查。
In a ruling by law country, law has the upper position and also the higher authority above moral. 在法治国家,法律居于道德之上,法律具有比道德更高的权威。
The macro-dimension includes: the higher authority ( including the central government and its functional departments), the public, the environmental protection organization and the media body; 上级(包括中央)政府(包括其职能部门)、社会公众、环保团体和大众媒体等主体和因素组成的宏观层面;
To realize the information transmission and sharing in distributed information system, data exchange is a key issue to be solved. A multi-level distributed information system has the Pyramid structure, in which a higher authority node has some subordinate nodes. 而实现分布式信息系统下的信息传递和信息资源共享,要解决的一个关键问题便是分布式信息系统的数据交换问题。一个多级分布式信息系统,具有节点、子节点的金字塔结构。
Legal regulation originated from EU countries is the adoption of national legislation to protect internet privacy, which has a higher authority and coercive power and universality of the law to make online privacy protection more effective. 法律规制是国家通过立法对网络隐私权进行保护,这种模式缘起于欧盟国家,法律规制保护模式具有较高的权威性而且法律的强制力和普遍性使网络隐私权的保护更加有效。
The operation of this mode needs to establish a unitary organic mechanism and to interact with the reform from the higher authority, rural society and the township enterprises at the same time. 这种模式的运行需要在乡镇政权内部建立一套有机统一的机制,同时需要与上级、乡村社会和乡镇企业的改革配套互动。